lyrics + english そう 気付いてたのに 誰もが知らない振りしてた もうすべて終ってしまえばいいと思ってた Yeah, even though everyone noticed They pretended not to I thought I should just put an end to everything
ああ 降り止まない雨の中 何も言わず そっと君が差しのべた その手が「勇気」と知ったよ Ah, when you silently reached out In the pouring rain I knew that hand took courage
果てしなく遠い明日へ ぼくたちは息を切らして向かう ずっと長い間生きてきた気がするけれど まだ届かなくて We head breathlessly Towards that endlessly distant tomorrow It feels like we've been living for so long But we still can't reach it
ねえ もしも痛みが この胸の奥に満ちていても 綺麗なものを「きれい」と言えたらいいのに Hey, even if my heart Is filled with pain I wish I could still say that beautiful things are beautiful
きみは他の誰かじゃなくきみのままで 迷いつづけた記憶を大事に両手で抱きしめ You are who you are, not anyone else So with both hands, hold tight to the memories of when you were lost
目の前に広がる世界に 意味のないものはひとつもなくて 今駆け抜ける日々 ぼくたちは想い出すだろう いつの日にかきっと In the world that spreads out before my eyes There isn't a single thing that doesn't have meaning Someday, surely We'll remember these days we're running through now
心開き 命は歌う Oh Life Oh Life 生きるために 生きていくの For Life Life sings when we open our hearts Oh life, oh life We live in order to live For life
果てしなく遠い明日へ ぼくたちは息を切らして向かう ずっと長い間生きてきた気がするけれど まだ届かなくて We head breathlessly Towards that endlessly distant tomorrow It feels like we've been living for so long But we still can't reach it
目の前に広がる世界に 意味のないものはひとつもなくて 今駆け抜ける日々 ぼくたちは想い出すだろう いつの日にかきっと In the world that spreads out before my eyes There isn't a single thing that doesn't have meaning Someday, surely We'll remember these days we're running through now
果てしなく遠い明日へ ぼくたちは息を切らして向かう 白い光の中 輝きに満ちた朝が きっと 待ってるから We head breathlessly Towards that endlessly distant tomorrow Because there's surely A morning filled with brightness waiting for us in the white light