воскресенье, 13 июля 2008
и почитала комментарии к одному из фанфиков.
ваа! *^.^*
хочу поделиться позитивом с вами, дорогие читатели.
дальфеzimena wrote:
Wow! First full-length fic I've read with the Russians. I hope there will be more soon, because they're certainly lovely enough. I totally fell for their whole team during the Euros, but maybe especially for Pavlyuchenko, so my heart immediately started beating faster when I found this fic.
As you might have been able to tell already, I fell in love with the whole Russian team during the Euros (and I knew next to nothing about them before that, unfortunately!), and I was extremely excited during all of their games, at least from the Greece-game onwards. I fell for them vs Greece, actually, and then they just grew on me with each game. Now, I'll be sure to follow them more closely 
- You seem to like teams from Slavic countries, what about Croatia?
Russia owes a lot to them, if they hadn't won over England, Russia wouldn't even have made it to the Euro! I can't help imagining Romochka thanking, for example, Mladen Petrić who scored the deciding goal in that game *blush*
- As for Croatia..I like watching them play, but I didn't "fall for" them that much as I did for Russia.
получи, фашист, гранату. 
chemical_alice wrote:
I totally fell in love with Roman Pavlyuchenko these past few weeks. So thank you so so much for writing this lovely piece!
bowie28 wrote:
This is the first sport-related fic I've ever read in my life, and it's a beautiful, heartfelt piece, with a clever concept to wrap up the disappointment of that fateful night. Doesn't hurt that I'm a big fan of the Russian team too. They totally won me over in Euro 2008. I hope there will be more of these boys, because they do deserve all the love in the world. ♥
chasesstarlight wrote:
...Aw. That's just really pretty. It's got a sense of realism and sensitivity to it that I don't see in football fic that often. 
I like the Russian team way, way more than I, as a Dutchwoman, should. I may have a thing for Pavlyuchenko. Don't tell the government, they'll arrest me for high treason or something. ^^;
synthetikgretyl wrote:
Thank you SO much for this!!
I've been itching for some kind of Russian fic. They totally stole my heart this past Euro.
This one's too cute!
You should write more of these, definitely.
А ещё *видимо, благодаря нашей команде на Евро* иностранные фикрайтеры активно осваивают уменьшительно-ласкательные варианты имён.
*То есть, если раньше все русские в фильмах были Alexandr, Vasiliy, Pyotr, Sergei и пр., то в тех же фанфиках уже вовсю встречаются Roma, Romka, Romochka и т.п. Притом что авторы - не носители языка*
Yes, 'Róma' is a nickname for 'Román'. The stress is on the 'o' instead of the 'a'. Almost every Russian name has it's certain nicknames, for Roman these are 'Roma' and 'Romochka'(a very 'cute' and personal one). Of course one can always make up personal ones, but these just exist and are used instead of the full names. Between friends 'Roman' would sound to formal.
I actually thought about writing this in the note because I was afraid people would think I've simple forgotten the 'n' ^^
Приятно, чёрт! 
И так странно...
крепкая мужская дружба,
dead readers society,
...толмачи и прочая обозная сволочь...©,
про что хоть фан-фик быЛ?
ну, учитывая то, что слэш - это литературные опусы про любовь двух мужиков..