воскресенье, 26 октября 2008
видеоподстрочник. Записано на слух, сильно не пинайте. до 2:50 (всего - 7 мин 41 сек) Редактирование и перевод будет позже. Сырой черновик
HL: Tsk. Robert, for God's sake...
Interviewer: How are you?
RSL: I'm a little distracted.
RSL: I've travelled internationally, I've travelled... Pff.. I've travelled... all over the world. Most of Europe, Italy, France, England, Spain, Japan, Australia... I've had a lot of great trips.
RSL: Yea, I don't go out much and I don't travel. I don't like travelling, I don't like travelling internationally...
Interviewer: You're nervy of you're just serious?
RSL: Yeah!
Interviewer: Oh!
RSL: I've never liked travelling, my whole family hates travelling.
RSL: Hate people? Well, I hate a lot of people.
Interviewer: So you're witty but lazy.
RSL: I think that is a proper description of me. I'm witty but lazy (fast) Oh no. (thinks) Lazy.
Interviewer: Okay.
RSL: I think just lazy.
Interviewer: Just lazy.
RSL: This is fine, yeah.
Interviewer: Okay.
RSL: That'll do it.
Interviewer: What makes you laugh?
RSL: I can't think at any.
RSL: I've weared jeans everyday, and no one ever recognizes me. And if I'm wearing suit, have to go somewhere, and I'm walking in New York, people think I'm Wilson. They say: 'Hey, when is the new show coming on?' But if I dressed as me... I think people go: 'Ah, he looks like the guy that's playing Wilson! But he's clearly not... him.'
Interviewer: You're walking at the store. Do you still go shop for yourself, or don't ya?
RSL: I'm going for shopping right now.
Interviewer: What will you get?
RSL: Vienna Fingers I like... erm... Shredded wheat - is my favourite cereal...
Interviewer: This is... Seriously, I think that is what these people wanna hear! This is they're tough to care about!
RSL: Fantastic.
Interviewer: What else?
RSL: I used to get Turkey burgers, I like turkey burgers. Agree, you're rather quick to...
Interviewer: Do you cook?
RSL: Not much.
Interviewer: Oh, you don't very much.
RSL: Not like that.
Interviewer: What sort you'd like? If you had one thin day. You're known for, you like, you take pride in serving your friends.
RSL: I don't serve food to my friends.
Interviewer: Just Vienna Fingers.
RSL: Vienna Fingers... I like tea --
Interviewer: Yea?
RSL: I like Lipton tea... Erm... I'm very boring! I'll have one making turkey burgers and rice... Like steam some broccoli. And the next day I'll think... it worked last night, so...
Interviewer: It doesn't sound boring at all! It sounds like you have a crazy life out here on the leg. Steam up some broccoli on a Sunday night!
RSL: And also we don't have much time. We do work a lot of hours...
Interviewer: And he might be a little bit crazy and open up the Vienna Fingers and lick the cream on the inside!
RSL: It sounds ain't racy to me. I just eat the cookie. Don't complicate it.
Interviewer: 'I just eat it. Leave me alone.' Pff!
RSL: Eat the cookie.
Interviewer: He-eh.
RSL: Don't get all crazy.
Interviewer: Eat the coockie!
RSL: Yeah.
Доктор Хаус,
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